Our Mission is to reimagine learning by creating an alternative and integrated educational approach that honors the whole child, and fosters strong, healthy connections to the self, community, and nature.

Bearfoot is here to reimagine learning.

We aim to change the perspective on learning and encourage the next generation to become joyful learners.

In an ever-changing and fast-paced world, we want to offer future generations opportunities to appreciate education. Not just in academics and daily life skills but to enjoy learning about who they are. While learning in a natural environment, children will be exposed to necessary tools they will maintain for a lifetime, such as but not limited to social-emotional development, kindness, educational use of technology, self regulation, and the health of ones body.

There isn't one single program or method that could satisfy the changes in children's learning and developmental stages in an era of rapid technological shifts and environmental challenges that we face today. That is why we take a cross-modality and whole-being approach, so learners can maintain (or reconnect) with their compassion and curiosity to understand the world around them. They will also develop ways to understand who they are and grant them a sense of belonging.

 We hope our educational approach continues to allow all learners to feel fulfilled while learning and excited to return each day. 

In order to maintain previously learned skills, such as empathy and conflict resolution, we require repetition and patience, as well as modeled behavior in the learning environment. We believe our learners will benefit their whole lives by having the tools to meaningfully engage with others, themself, and the earth's resources at Bearfoot Learners. 

Our Whole Being Approach

We want to highlight the Whole Being Approach at Bearfoot engaging a supportive learning environment, and additionally by focusing on connection.

By encouraging connection, and utilizing the tools in the world that we already have, learners can carry these values and morals throughout their lives.

Connection to Myself

→ Self-Awareness 

→ Self Care 

→ Self-Esteem

→ Identifying Feelings

→ Healthy Coping Strategies

→ Creating Healthy Boundaries

Connection with You

→ Compassion

→ Perspective-Taking

→ Active Listening Skills

→ Collaboration

→ Empathy

→ Understanding Boundaries

Connection to World

→ Sustainability

→ Building Sense of Belonging 

→ Engaging with Community

 → Adaptability to Changes

→ Critical Thinking

→ Problem Solving Skills


What changes to modern day education would you like to see implemented for your child?

What does well rounded education look like to you?